Music & Mixdown by Zeropoint Mastering by Zimo Graphic Design by Swann Jacquet (c) & (p) Bananas Music 2019
De l'analogique au digital, du minéral au spirituel, du calme à la tempête, mais toujours avec âme et passion, Bananas Records est fier de vous présenter les premières signatures d'un label bien déterminé à partager …
These tracks were created and sequenced on a single Elektron Octatrack machine, as parts of a full length live-set that the artist played a bit during the 2015-2018 years, exploring techno with his very own …
Music by David Laake Mastering by Zimo Artwork by Swann (c) & (p) Bananas Music / Bananas Records 2020
Have a glimpse into Fabzik's immense musical universe with these 3 minimalist yet melodic and powerful minimal techno tracks from France! Music by Fabzik Artwork & Design by SWNN Mastering by Zimo (c) & (p) Bananas Music
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